Soft Ari Unda

Soft Ari Unda

Rice is an Indian dessert. Also known as Avalosunda. It gets its name from the fact that it is made of rice and has the appearance of beads.
Its ingredients are rice, jaggery, and chickpea coconut. Boil in vegetable water and then break down. That powder should be full-blown. Then add the ripe coconut wings to the sieve. Then fry in oven and fry. Once the powder has matured, take it out and let it cool.

Then take the jaggery pavaccachi and mix it with the powder. Rolls should be rolled up before heating. If the poultry is light, the rice pudding is thick and light, and the papaya is darker. Toughness will not last long. Along with jaggery, cinnamon powder, cumin powder and lemon juice are added to enhance the taste.

Matta Rice -1cup
Jagerry – 3tbsp
Cashewnuts -10 opt
Grated coconut -6tbsp