Over weight and bellyfat are the main problems of new generation.all are face this problem who is young or old. nowadays everyone want to be slim and have flat stomach,but it is very difficult to get.we should follow healthy diet and proper excercise for that.malabar tamarind helps to reduce bellyfat and overweight. there is no any side effect for malabar tamarind, it is very better for your health .malabar tamarind water helps to reduce weight and bellyfat.
We can prepare malabar tamarind water, take two or three malabar tamarind and put in to a glass of water at night. it should be soaked at least for 6 hours.then morning take 2 glasses of water and boil more time, then add soaked malabar tamarind to it . use this drink after cooled. it should be drink before half an hour of your breakfast.it will helps to reduce bellyfat and overweight. use this drink every day , it boosts your health. malabar tamarind cannot be avoid in ayurvedic and its medicines too.it should be use in our daily food.malabar tamarind reduces cholesterol,it increases the level of HDL or good cholesterol and reduces LDL or bad cholesterol.through this it reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.it reduces constipation and helps to reduce digestion problems. so we should include it in our food.it reduces urinary infections.so we can use malabar tamarind water every day .the diabetic patients do not use this because it badly effects their sugar level.